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Version: v2.0

Telemetry reporting

FerretDB collects basic anonymous usage data and sends it to our telemetry service (FerretDB Beacon). It helps us understand FerretDB usage and how to increase compatibility and enhance our product further. It also enables us to provide you with information about available updates.

Your privacy is important to us, and we understand how sensitive data collection can be. We assure you that we are not collecting any personally identifying information. We will never share or sell raw telemetry data to third parties. We may share our findings and statistics based on telemetry data with third parties and the general public.

The following data is collected:

  • Random FerretDB instance UUID
  • Autonomous system number, cloud provider region and country derived from the IP address (but not the IP address itself)
  • FerretDB version
  • PostgreSQL version
  • DocumentDB version
  • Installation type (Docker, package, cloud provider marketplace, self-built)
  • Build configuration (Go version, build flags and tags)
  • Uptime
  • Command statistics:
    • protocol operation codes (e.g. OP_MSG, OP_QUERY);
    • command names (e.g., find, aggregate);
    • arguments (e.g., sort, $count);
    • error codes (e.g., NotImplemented, InternalError; or ok).

Argument values, data field names, successful responses, or error messages are never collected.

The same information is always saved in a telemetry.json file in the state directory, making it easy to inspect. For example, this is the content of this file as recorded by the Beacon service (which, of course, uses FerretDB to store data):

"_comment": "Sent to at 2025-03-06 13:28:57Z.",
"version": "v2.0.0",
"commit": "2214721e51d64be04ad016f401d0abf8a335993e",
"branch": "unknown",
"dirty": true,
"package": "docker",
"debug": false,
"build_environment": {
"-buildmode": "exe",
"-compiler": "gc",
"-trimpath": "true",
"GOAMD64": "v1",
"GOARCH": "amd64",
"GOOS": "linux",
"go.version": "go1.24.1",
"vcs": "git",
"vcs.modified": "true",
"vcs.revision": "2214721e51d64be04ad016f401d0abf8a335993e",
"vcs.time": "2025-03-05T12:26:16Z"
"os": "linux",
"arch": "amd64",
"postgresql_version": "PostgreSQL 16.8 (Debian 16.8-1.pgdg120+1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 12.2.0-14) 12.2.0, 64-bit",
"documentdb_version": "0.102.0 gitref: HEAD sha:f7c318c buildId:0",
"uuid": "<redacted>",
"uptime": 86400099948209,
"command_metrics": {
"OP_MSG": {
"count": {
"unknown": {
"ok": 1440
"find": {
"unknown": {
"ok": 1440
"getMore": {
"unknown": {
"ok": 4320
"hello": {
"unknown": {
"ok": 8639
"ping": {
"unknown": {
"ok": 1437
"update": {
"unknown": {
"ok": 1520
"unknown": {
"unknown": {
"ok": 3

Version notifications

When a FerretDB update is available, the telemetry service responds with information about the latest FerretDB version. This information is logged in server logs and available via the getLog command with the startupWarnings argument, making it visible when connecting with various tools such as mongosh.

While you may not upgrade to the latest release immediately, ensure you update early to take advantage of recent bug fixes, new features, and performance improvements.


The telemetry reporter has three state settings: enabled, disabled, and undecided (the default). The latter acts as if it is enabled with two differences:

  • When enabled, the first report is sent right after FerretDB starts. If undecided, the first report is delayed by one hour. That should give you enough time to disable it if you decide to do so.
  • Similarly, when enabled, the last report is sent right before FerretDB shuts down. That does not happen when undecided.

undecided state does not automatically change into enabled or disabled. Explicit user action is required (see below) to change an undecided state to enabled or disabled.


Telemetry reporting is undecided and can't be configured for embeddable FerretDB yet. We intend to add this feature in the future.

Disable telemetry

We urge you not to disable the telemetry reporter, as its insights will help us enhance our software.

While we are grateful for these usage insights, we understand that not everyone is comfortable with sending them.


If you disable telemetry, automated version checks and information on updates will not be available.

Telemetry can be disabled using any of the following options:

  1. Pass the command-line flag --telemetry to the FerretDB executable with value: 0, f, false, n, no, off, disable, disabled, optout, opt-out, disallow, forbid.

  2. Set the environment variable FERRETDB_TELEMETRY with the same value as above:

    export FERRETDB_TELEMETRY=disable
  3. Set the DO_NOT_TRACK environment variable with any of the following values: 1, t, true, y, yes, on, enable, enabled.

    export DO_NOT_TRACK=true
  4. Rename the FerretDB executable to include a donottrack string.


    If telemetry is disabled using this option, you cannot use the --telemetry flag or environment variables until the donottrack string is removed from the executable.

  5. Use the db.disableFreeMonitoring() command on runtime.


    If the telemetry is set via a command-line flag, an environment variable, or a filename, it's not possible to modify its state via command.

Enable telemetry

Telemetry can be explicitly enabled (see above) with the command-line flag --telemetry by setting one of the values: 1, t, true, y, yes, on, enable, enabled, optin, opt-in, allow.


You can also use FERRETDB_TELEMETRY environment variable with the same values as above or on runtime via db.enableFreeMonitoring() command.


One case when explicitly enabling telemetry is useful is if you want to help us improve compatibility with your application by running its integration tests or manually testing it. If you leave the telemetry state undecided and your test lasts less than an hour, we will not have data about unimplemented commands and errors.

If you want to help us with that, please do the following:

  1. Start FerretDB with telemetry explicitly enabled.
  2. Test your application manually or with integration tests.
  3. Gracefully stop FerretDB with SIGTERM or docker stop (not with SIGKILL or docker kill).
  4. Locate the telemetry.json file in the state directory (/state for Docker, current directory otherwise), review it, and send it to us.